The following projects are planned and need to be ready so that we may enter it in the 2021 Veterans Day Parade on November 6th!
• The following workdays are planned. If anyone wants to volunteer to help please contact us.
• Wednesday April 14th 1300 until 1700 – We made great progress on rebuilding the conning tower today. It is looking great! We have to replace the radar mast and get a new motor. We could use some help with this project! Any takers?
A new sponsor has volunteered to rebuild the 10 small gun turrets with all new materials! THANKS!
• If anyone has time to volunteer please let us know when you would be available and we will try to arrange a work day at those times.
The following repairs or donations have already been made: Diesel engine (AutoWorks), Substructure repairs (Atlantic Coast Industrial), New Tires (Aspen Tire), Conning Tower Materials (Flow Science), Substructure materials (Gulfstream Steel & Supply).
Thanks to these companies and individuals!